Proper table etiquette
Colleen discusses proper table etiquette with New Day Cleveland on Fox 8.
Read more ...Today’s global marketplace is moving very quickly. We decide if we like and trust someone in the first seven seconds of meeting them. That is why it is important that we create a favorable, lasting impression immediately. For example, “If I like you, I will educate you, hire you, promote you, dine with you, socialize with you, help you and introduce you to others that will do the same”. That is why it is important that we are knowledgeable about proper business etiquette. Our social skills need to surpass product knowledge because a person will train you on a product but not on how to convey a favorable impression. It is the combination of your appearance, your manners and your body language that creates your image. If one of the elements is off, it will affect how you are viewed. We need to be cognizant of how we are perceived. Are you presenting the best personal/professional image? Read our Etiquette Blog articles and see how you might handle situations differently. You might even be interested in taking one of our programs.
Colleen discusses proper table etiquette with New Day Cleveland on Fox 8.
Read more ...Colleen discusses how to discuss politics politely with New Day Cleveland on Fox 8. Watch the video here or below:
Read more ...What do you bring to a graduation party? Colleen discusses picnic etiquette with New Day Cleveland on Fox 8. Watch the video here.
Read more ...Investing in protocol training allows employers to attract individuals who are drawn to cultures that promote growth ultimately benefiting both the employee and the company long term.
Read more ...Colleen discusses manners in 2024 with New Day Cleveland on Fox 8. Watch the video here or below:
Read more ...Colleen discusses tipping on New Day Cleveland on Fox 8.
Read more ...Brad Sussman of WTAM News Radio 1100 in Cleveland interviews Colleen Harding about etiquette in today’s society.
Read more ...When we were young, our parents would introduce us to adults and say, “this is Mr. ____, or this is Miss_____ or Mrs. ____,” and we would say “hello Mrs. ______.” It was how we showed respect for an adult – someone older than us and had earned the right to be respected. We never
Read more ...Life is showing signs of a return to the old normal. Commuters are starting to fill the highways in the mornings. We are coming out of our home offices and finding our way back to the board rooms, or are we??? This pandemic has introduced a very different way of conducting business. If you are
Read more ...When we were growing up, our mother would tell us to get up and get dressed you’ll feel better. My grandmother would say put some makeup on or run the vacuum cleaner when someone had spent too much time being sick or down. It seems rather rough today at a time when mental health appears
Read more ...For months we have observed the anger, disrespect, and conflict play out in astronomical proportions. Some have attributed to racial injustice and some to Covid 19 and lack of social interaction or leadership. Regardless, ask yourself, can we calm down and breathe for a minute? At this point, is it possible to listen? I realize
Read more ...If you follow the news and current events, one observation comes to mind. We are a bit starved for gentlemen and some leadership. My statement is not a political crack on anyone. Repeat my comment is NOT meant to criticize anyone. It is also not meant to sound sexist. This article is about our boys,
Read more ...It’s Time to Rise! The business landscape has changed. Our new normal will be different. For those who take action, there will be abundance. Join the Client Experience Institute (CEI) on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 9:30 AM for a 45-minute ZOOM Time to Rise event where we will be discussing Etiquette in a Virtual
Read more ...Will etiquette and having good manners be a priority in the future? It’s a great question. Today, we are not experiencing a shortage of bad behavior. We are surrounded by it. Individuals are making poor choices and being rude on every corner. Everywhere we look, TV, Internet, Business, Dating, Socializing, Schools, Universities, etc…. It’s all
Read more ...The season is upon us when frequent visits and invitations appear. Holiday time is an excellent time to rekindle old relationships and appreciate current ones. It has been coined “a time of giving” but only those who truly give (time, talent and treasure) appreciate the season in its true splendor. While we are giving, visiting
Read more ...What does it mean to be from a “Good Family”? It may seem a bit old fashion, but it says a lot about a person or family. I use the term quite often when it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what the term meant and if it meant the same thing to everyone that uses
Read more ...Is Anyone Dating Anymore? When I was young, we dated and the people before that dated and the people before them dated. It was how we got to know each other and decide if there was a connection. If there was a connection, we dated more until a decision was made to make it more
Read more ...Emojis and Emotion. It is pretty standard to receive a message with a character or a symbol attached to it these days. The emblem suggests our mood and how we would like the message to be accepted. It’s pretty terrific when you think about it. In the past, we had to rely on the state
Read more ...I invited a friend and her family to come over for a family night. Bond fire, flashlight tag with the kids, S’Mores etc. It was going to be a casual and relaxing evening to visit and enjoy the Fall. Her reply to me was pleasant but contingent on another individual. She had invited a
Read more ...Is there a general, universal definition for appropriate behavior in the workplace? The simple answer is no! A universal definition of appropriate behavior for every environment would require little diversity. However, any behavior, language or gesture that makes someone feel uncomfortable is unacceptable and should be discontinued. If you work in a less formal environment
Read more ...Recently, I have been having a difficult time promoting good manners. Not because I don’t see a need, but because of the recent outbreak of pure anger on TV, the Internet, Newspapers, Social Media etc. Between the hate and the hurt, it is a trying time in our country. It is very difficult for people
Read more ...Life is Hard! Recently I had a conversation with my daughter that made me think about our mother. I asked her why she didn’t want to do something and she said because it was hard. As adults, we don’t like to do things that are hard either. Perhaps we are passing it on to our
Read more ...Is Etiquette Important in Cleveland, Ohio? It’s an odd question because, at first, you think the answer would be, “Of course!” Then, you think, “Well maybe, but where are people using proper protocol? Who is using proper manners? Who’s teaching etiquette and to whom? Does it really matter if others are not using any manners?
Read more ...Bad behavior seems to be at an epidemic level these days. This is why encouraging leadership is so important. Individuals are choosing to work the system and take things that do not belong to them instead of doing what is right and honest. Recently, 60 Minutes featured a story about what is going on with
Read more ...Hang up the phone and shop! The holiday season is upon us. Soon the shopping malls and stores will be filled with excited shoppers holding their lists, anticipating responses for gifts and gestures. I love holiday shopping. Excitement and unexpected surprises surround us. People meet for holiday lunches with packages and gifts. The smell of
Read more ...Holiday time is just around the corner, and many will be planning to entertain for business and personal reasons. Many will send invitations that request a RSVP or Regrets Only response. It is important to respect what the host or hostess is asking with these terms. RSVP is a French term, “repondez s’il vous plait,” which means
Read more ...Recently I conducted a class in which an individual asked if manners and etiquette will disappear after the older generations pass away? The person put it in different terms, but the premise was the same. I replied, “Absolutely not!” and here’s why: Yes, etiquette will continue to change and evolve just like everything else in
Read more ...By Jason Brill Assistant editor Jason Brill sits down with Colleen Harding, founder of the Cleveland School of Etiquette and Corporate Protocol, to discuss how to punch up your power lunch. Hodge’s, Downtown Cleveland The waiter comes over. Waiter: Hello. How are you doing? CH: Good, thanks. Waiter: Are we doing drinks to start beside
Read more ...There was a time when people slowed down to share a meal with friends or family. It was a time to relax and socialize. There was no rushing or reaching or harsh words used at this table. Everything was done slowly, gracefully, and with purpose. A dining experience was pleasant and civilized. Today we are
Read more ...An email is a fabulous tool. It truly is an excellent way to communicate when a person is in a hurry and needs to send a quick message. It is also a terrific way to send a response without bothering someone. You may send a message when you have the time, and it allows the
Read more ...Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a luncheon hosted by the Rotary Club of Cleveland. The luncheon included the top three speeches from a recent contest that the Rotary hosted for several local high school students. The winner of the contest will represent our city at the regional finals.The young man who won gave
Read more ...In the 1960s and ’70s, it became popular to break the rules. It seemed that people were trying to be noticed by being rebellious. It was mainly the younger generations that were introducing the “shock factor” to society. They were very vocal about that fact that they were going to be different by destroying the
Read more ...I am asked many questions regarding etiquette. Here are the top 4 etiquette questions commonly asked. 1) What is the No. 1 mistake that people make at the table? Poor posture! We spend so much time in front of a computer or sitting that, many times, our posture literally curves. As a result, our face ends up
Read more ...As the holidays quickly approach, New Year’s resolutions start to surface. Some want to get into shape, and some are going to diet. Some don’t do anything at all and hope that something good just happens. Other say, “Why set yourself up to fail?” No one ever keeps these promises past January, so why bother?
Read more ...The holidays are once again upon us. It is a time to entertain and socialize with friends, family, and business associates. So, what is holiday protocol? Etiquette is about what we do to make people feel comfortable in our presence. It requires us to put our own wants, needs, and desires aside and think of
Read more ...How often have you heard, “I left them a message, but they didn’t respond or I never heard back”? Today we are busy. We are very busy, but that does not excuse us from basic, common, polite, practices like returning calls, messages or RSVP’s in a realistic amount of time. So, what is the proper
Read more ...Today the workforce is tougher than ever. It is difficult to find a good job due to the lack of positions available and the credentials necessary to get the interviews. It is no longer enough to graduate at the top of your class. You need to stand out as a stellar candidate. It’s rare if you
Read more ...Recently, I received an email that was very direct and upsetting. I didn’t know this person, and I had not solicited their opinion. I might have considered their point if they had not forced it on me in such an offensive manner. I thought about the purpose of such an email for several days. In
Read more ...Graduation season is upon us. It is a special time when young people are transitioning into the next phase whether it is high school, college or the professional world. It is a time to celebrate many accomplishments and look forward to a future opportunity. So, what is the correct etiquette for graduation invitations? When planning
Read more ...Recently, I had a conversation with a very successful business owner about proper work attire. We discussed how casual the workplace had become, and he made a very interesting point. He expressed a concern for young people today that are unable to let go of “casual” when professional attire is necessary. To him, dressing for
Read more ...If you have traveled by airplane lately, you have probably noticed a significant change to how we travel now. The experience is not what it used to be, and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. Bad airplane etiquette doesn’t fly. The last time I traveled on an airplane, I felt like one of the people
Read more ...When I conduct corporate training, I start with a pet peeves exercise. I give examples of personal pet peeves, such as people who put cell phones on a dining table or people who wear inappropriate (risqué) clothing to church. It normally gets people thinking about how pet peeves affect our opinion of one another. We
Read more ...Why is cell phone etiquette so important in today’s society? Last fall I attended an event for the re-opening of the Cleveland Playhouse. Tours were provided to showcase the beautiful improvements to create a more intimate venue for enjoying a production.During the presentation, a loud cell phone rang. It rang and rang and rang until
Read more ...Every year at this time, I look for random acts of kindness. I think we all do. I appreciate the gift of kindness like drivers that let me over on the highway. I watch shoppers let others go first in lines, and people show a little extra patience for a new clerk in training. I
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