In 2008, Colleen Harding was working as a sales executive in the television broadcast industry. She went in search of a protocol consultant to evaluate her professional appearance and style to make sure she was presenting a polished, professional image. Colleen believes that in business, how you present yourself is just as important as what you are presenting. She was unsuccessful in finding what she was looking for and took it as a sign to get protocol coaching started. She researched various programs around the country for training and certification and selected a program in Atlanta, Georgia.
Colleen has always been impressed with children who are polite. “We want our children to be kind and make good social choices, but teaching them is tough. When I speak with a young person who looks me in the eyes and addresses me by my name it gives me hope”. Colleen has hope for a future that will include manners. The children’s programs are especially significant. These programs explain the importance and benefits of protocol. We discuss the advantages of rules and disadvantages to breaking them. In conclusion, after the training these skills are a choice and a commitment, but the benefits are endless.
Over the next two years, Mrs. Harding attended two different programs for Traditional and Corporate training. She started working with children to make an impact on those who could use a little help in the manners department.
Then requests for corporate training and speaking engagements about protocol started to appear. It seemed that people were as curious as Colleen was about the proper way to do things. Manners are everywhere, and we use them to decide whether we like and trust people. They are not confined to the business or social arena; They are in grocery stores, businesses, churches, how we behave in different people’s homes, how we drive; how we treat teachers, coaches, police officers, the server in a restaurant, etc. The list is endless.
“Choose to be Excellent!” was created for those who are willing to make a commitment to being different through proper business etiquette. Today we are all looking to be different. To stand out in a unique manner that will set us apart. Some chose to go the extreme route using the shock factor. Others let their manners speak for them. They recognize what is necessary to be effective.
We use manners to judge and we judge harshly. The lack of manners can result in an unfavorable outcome. Conversely, a person who uses good manners projects confidence. This person knows what is expected of them and they carry themselves accordingly. This confidence is appealing because it makes others feel secure being around them.
After much training, research, and observation, Colleen Harding found that this confidence comes from etiquette. Her training focuses on teaching the skills necessary to be confident in any environment by recognizing what is expected and complying.
Let your manners speak for you!
“Manners maketh man” William of Wykeha